Pupz – Group Puppy Classes and 1-to-1 Visits
Our puppy classes will help you and your puppy learn in a fun and relaxed way, including functional training, lifestyle skills, tricks and much more.
Our puppy classes will help you and your puppy learn in a fun and relaxed way, including functional training, lifestyle skills, tricks and much more.
For puppies from approx 12 weeks of age (or after their second vaccinations) up-to 22 weeks.
No more than 5 puppies per class.
7 week course, with free welcome pack including information sheets and treats.
Helping with common puppy issues such as toilet training, puppy biting, crate training etc.
First week, will be for ‘humans’ only, this informative session, will give you lots of information on what we are covering during the course, equipment to bring to the classes, the do’s and don’t of puppy training, plus lots more.
Weekly homework notes.
Opportunities for appropriate meet and greet for your puppy, learning the correct way to say hello.
Certificate and Rosette at the end of the course.
Opportunities to join the more advanced classes.
Covering all aspects of basic puppy exercises and obedience, lifestyle skills, appropriate play and much more.
The session covers, toilet training, puppy biting, night time routines, crate training, enrichment and a few basic puppy exercises/obedience.
To help ensure that you start on the right footing with the correct advice. Knowing that you are going about things the right way, to make sure that you give your puppy the best start possible.
When puppy is old enough they can progress onto the puppy group classes.
If the group class scenario is not for you, or you do not live close enough to attend the group classes, I do offer a 6 week Puppy distance learning course. This includes:
Weekly videos covering structured learning, including lots of different exercises and lifestyle skills.
Homework sheets to back up all of the above.
A weekly 1-to-1 telephone Call – covering any individual issues that you and your puppy have.
Further guidance notes on common puppy related issues and problems.
Certificate and rosette sent out, once a short video has been received of 3/4 exercises that you have achieved with your puppy.